Curtail Definition For OEE Monitoring

All time: the term ‘all time’ encompasses each and every minute of every day, constituting a span of 24 hours within a week.

Availability: Referring to the consideration of Availability Loss in the context of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Availability Loss encompasses any events that cause the interruption of planned production for a significant duration. In an OEE program, the measurement of Availability Loss is typically carried out by recording the duration of both Unplanned Stops (unexpected interruptions) and Planned Stops (scheduled interruptions or downtime). By quantifying the time lost due to these stops, organizations can assess the impact on equipment availability and incorporate this information into the calculation of OEE .

Performance: Specifically focuses on the factors that result in Performance Loss during the manufacturing process. Performance Loss refers to any elements or issues that cause the process to operate at a speed lower than its maximum possible speed when it is running. In an OEE program, the measurement of OEE Performance is typically done by comparing the Actual Cycle Time (or Actual Run Rate) with the Ideal Cycle Time (or Ideal Run Rate). This comparison allows organizations to assess how efficiently the process is operating in terms of speed, identifying any deviations from the optimal performance level.

Cycle Time: Cycle Time denotes the real-time duration required to produce a single part. Within the context of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), this metric is computed by dividing the Run Time by the Total Count.

Run Rate: Run Rate represents the authentic pace of production during operational periods. In the framework of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), it is determined by dividing the Total Count by the Run Time.

Availability Loss: Availability Loss constitutes one of the OEE Losses. Availability factors in equipment failures, setup, end-up preparing to start working.

Breakdowns: Breakdowns are categorized as Unplanned Stops, resulting in time loss attributed to Machines Failure it could due to mechanical or electrical parts.

Breaks: Breaks designated as non-productive intervals during which the production process is intentionally halted, as the crew is scheduled to be away from the line. Launch and middle days meals are best examples. Some planners believe These downtime periods are typically omitted from OEE calculations some other planners don’t omit from OEE calculation they assume meal time is as heavy cost in factories and must be in planned stoppages.

Capacity: Capacity refers to the utmost production level achievable when equipment operates at maximum productivity . In other word speed of each machine per hours or minute on of exact definition of machine capacity. Manual operations can be defined as capacity categories.

Changeovers: Changeovers fall under the category of Planned Stoppages, it indicates that the manufacturing process is temporarily halted as part of a planned Setup, Make Ready, or Adjustment event, preventing production during this scheduled transition . Effect of changeover on OEE improvement is defined in SMED section.

Theory of constraints (TOC): It is designed to help organizations identify and overcome constraints, or bottlenecks, in their processes in order to improve overall efficiency and achieve organizational goals.

Cycle Time: Cycle Time is the time to produce one part.

Defects: Defects are as a quality losses . Also defect is defined as any part that does not meet the required specifications upon initial production. Defective parts may undergo rework processes to meet standards, or they may be scrapped.

Downtime Loss: alternatively referred to as Stop Time, encompasses all periods when the manufacturing process was scheduled to be in operation but experienced interruptions due to Unplanned Stops. Downtime Loss represents the production time lost due to unforeseen shutdowns and stands as one of the three OEE Losses, directly impacting OEE Availability. It serves as a significant focal point for improvement initiatives .

Productive Time (OPT): Productive Time, denotes the effective operational duration once all losses have been deducted. An OEE score of 100% indicates that the process is operating at its maximum productivity.

Net Run Time: Net Run Time is the residual duration obtained by subtracting Schedule Loss, Availability Loss, and Performance Loss from the overall allotted time, known as All Time.

Planned Production Time: It refers to the overall duration during which equipment is anticipated to be in production. This is calculated by subtracting Schedule Loss from the total available time, known as All Time.

Planned Stoppages:
Planned Stoppages refer to scheduled interruptions in the manufacturing process. A Planned Stop occurs when the production line is intentionally halted due to a prearranged event, such as a changeover, setup, or make-ready process.

Speed Loss:
Sub optimal Speed occurs when the manufacturing process is in operation but is running at a slower pace than the Ideal Cycle Time. This type of loss is commonly referred to as Speed Loss.

Run Time: Run Time denotes the duration when the manufacturing process is slated for production and actively running. Calculated by deducting downtime from the planned production time, Run Time encompasses periods when the process may encounter small stops, reduced speed, and the production of reject parts.

SMED: It is a initiative aimed at minimizing setup time in manufacturing processes. The name is derived from the objective of reducing setup times to under ten minutes, typically represented by a single digit.

FOL: based on IOT, connecting factory equipment to Central smart app to monitor ongoing process in factory.


Maximizing Production Efficiency and Productivity

Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) stands as a gauge employed to evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of manufacturing procedures or any particular piece of machinery. It furnishes perspectives into the degree of equipment utilization and the degree of its efficiency when generating products or dispensing services.

OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality

Availability: The accessibility rating quantifies the real manufacturing duration in contrast to the scheduled production duration. It factors in elements like machinery.

Performance: The efficiency rating evaluates the equipment’s operational prowess in relation to its utmost capability. It takes into account variables such as equipment velocity, brief interruptions, and idle periods.”

Quality: This assesses the pace of producing products with a ‘good count,’ free from flaws or the need for rework. It considers variables like waste, discards, and reworking.

The outcome is presented as a percentage, signifying the all-encompassing efficiency of the machinery or procedure. A heightened OEE percentage denotes superior performance and efficacy, while a diminished percentage hints at potential enhancements. OEE serves as a prevalent performance measure in manufacturing sectors, helping to pinpoint optimization opportunities, monitor progressive advancements, and gauge disparities between various equipment or production sections.

Enhanced productivity:

Enhancing OEE leads to a direct enhancement in productivity. Through the reduction of unproductive periods, fine-tuning equipment efficiency, and the mitigation of quality concerns, enterprises can attain elevated production rates and yields without necessitating supplementary resources or capital investments.

Enhanced effectiveness: 

Elevating OEE aids in the detection and resolution of ineffectual aspects within the production sequence. Through the fine-tuning of equipment application, the curtailing of unproductive intervals, and the rationalization of manufacturing activities, enterprises can optimize their resource utilization, resulting in an overall boost in effectiveness.”

Expense curtailment: Augmented OEE frequently results in lowered expenditures, fortifying the financial performance. By curbing equipment downtime, establishments can evade expensive production interruptions. Elevating quality and diminishing imperfections aids in the reduction of waste, reworking, and material squandering, ultimately yielding economic advantages.”

Heightened Quality

Initiatives to enhance OEE generally concentrate on diminishing imperfections, enhancing process reliability, and ensuring a uniform product standard. By recognizing and rectifying quality dilemmas, establishments can provide commodities that match or outperform customer anticipations, resulting in heightened customer contentment and allegiance.

Enhanced capability: Through the fine-tuning of equipment application and the alleviation of constraining factors, augmenting OEE has the potential to augment the total capability of the production system. This empowers establishments to manage larger quantities, cater to escalating customer requisites, and potentially broaden their enterprise without substantial capital outlays.

Equipment reliability and durability: Oftentimes, elevating OEE includes anticipatory upkeep and vigilance regarding machinery. By enacting preventive maintenance schemes and swiftly resolving concerns, organizations can amplify equipment dependability, prolong the operational life of their equipment, and reduce the odds of unanticipated malfunctions.”